My Portfolio

Links below lead to my other projects I've created over the years. You can also see/download my CV here, if you're interested.

Omnifood Landing Page (responsive web design)

Omnifood is a hypothetical start up that operates in F&B sector. This project came with my Udemy course which is to create a fully responsive website with HTML5 and CSS3 (and a litle bit of JS)

Ya Bengkel Concept (UI design)

The idea for Ya Bengkel was developed as a requirement for my final project in college in which we had to conceptualize and made a design for UI for project of our choice. UI was made with Axure RP 8.

User Research

My group project on Research Methodology in my college, I grouped up with a few people and finished this research on the impact of Facebook fanpages to museums in Indonesia.


This Wireframe was made in Figma as my initiative to conceptualize a proper website about EV charging solution.

Website Design

This web design was made in Figma as a part of project planning done in 2023.